The day actually started the night before when we spent about two hours at the park delivering sodas, cakes, sponsorship money and waivers. Husband had Miles in the batter’s box practicing while Milan and I took care of Team Mom and Team Sister responsibilities. Yes, she has declared herself the Team Sister.
The next morning we had to be at the parade site at 7:30 a.m. to decorate the truck and hand out team jerseys. The parade and opening ceremonies went well, and afterwards the kids had a good hour to play on the inflatable bouncers and slides before it was time for Miles’ game.
We won the game, but can I just tell you it was comedy. If you are ever depressed or unhappy go to a T-Ball game and you will laugh – a lot! Many of the kids haven’t played before so they really don’t know what they are doing yet, but they are just as happy and proud to be out there running around – even if it is to the wrong base.
Miles’ did well. He is one of the oldest on the team and has played before. He hit two triples and played well in the outfield. I was really proud - and happy - when it was over.
Despite all of my griping about being Team Mom, quietly I’m enjoying it. Shh, don’t tell anybody, I will totally deny it. When I see my baby and all of the other kids out there learning, growing and having fun – it warms my heart.
Look at my little superstar…
How could I not step up to the plate with him?
Now, that’s not to say that I will be running for Team Mom of the Year, but I will do my best to make it a great season for Miles’ and his team – even if that means keeping up with 12 little guys – and their parents, learning how to keep the scorebook, or stepping in for the snack mom if she forgets to bring them.
Batter up & Smiles,
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