Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fifteen in Five

Now that the kids are back in school and I have my days back to be productive, ahem, I’m all geared up to do that. I have several goals, both professional and personal, and have decided to push myself harder than usual to get the results I want. I find myself telling my kids to strive to be the best, not to blend in with everyone else, that good isn’t good enough, and that they should work hard to be great.

Yeah well, there’s this little voice in my head that keeps telling me to practice what I preach. I want to set a good example for my kids. I want to have a sexy, toned body and start training again. I want to sell out the first run of my book and have even more success with the next one. I want all of these things but have been guilty of standing in my own way. Most of the time I am my own biggest obstacle. Correction, I was my own biggest obstacle. I’ve decided to stop wanting and to start doing.

It’s time to turn things up a notch. While I applaud myself for the things that I’ve already accomplished, I know that there is even more in store for me – as long as I’m willing to work for it. I think that’s one of the major differences between successful people and the majority. Successful people don’t just talk about what they want, they make it happen. So, with that said I’m attacking my goals with detailed plans and, most importantly, action.

One of my goals is to tone my body – to lose excess fat, get stronger, leaner and healthier. OK, I can’t lie, a booty like Beyoncé’s would be nice, but I’ll be happy with a slim-downed version since I can’t move mine like she does anyway.

Fifteen in five – pounds and weeks. While that might be a bit aggressive, I’m feeling like a challenge is much needed to push past my plateau. A challenge and a little accountability. My girlfriend and I are tackling the next five weeks together with weekly Monday weigh-ins and a set of guidelines to keep us on track. I’ll also be chronicling some of my journey here. I might boast about some of my success and I might bitch about some of my challenges – did I mention I’m giving up alcohol for the five weeks? Gasp! Talk about dedication.

How about you? Are you striving to do your best at whatever you do or are you your own biggest obstacle? Successful minds want to know…

Winks & Smiles,


Anonymous said...

Hi Wifey,
It was great to meet you in San Francisco. That sounds like a great goal---it motivates ME! BUt you already look great, OK?

CP said...

Wow- you are SUCH an inspiration! I knew I was on to something when I spotted your pink dress at the Newbie party (and sent Kim over to say hello because I am too shy). I am going to do my best to follow you and see what results I can achieve in the next 5 weeks. My first marathon is in just over 2 months so any improvement is much appreciated.

Mozi Esme said...

You go, Wifey! I should join you . . .

Unknown said...

Aww... thanks ladies! I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. I'm glad to hear that I'm movitating people to be healthy and active, just make sure that you are doing it safely. Hmm, maybe I'll do a post about some of the specifics of my plans - I'm making sure to eat at least 5-6 times a day!

Gratitude Girl said...

Go for it girl! I would love to know how it is going.

Kim/2 Kids said...

You Super Star, could you get any better? I have motivated myself, slowly but surely, thinking I can handle my life better if I am lighter, healthier and stronger. Unlike you, it would be difficult to give up all alcohol for five weeks. Cheers!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Kim! Super star is a stretch - smiles - but I'm trying! And, who says no alcohol is not difficult? Glass of red wine or squats? Hmm... Smiles!

Laurence said...

Hey wifey! 15 in 5... I'd like to reach that goal myself. I just started reading your blog (I'm going to be following it-in the least creepy way possible). Where can I find your best tips, if you should be so kind to divulge them?

Unknown said...

Hi Blake. Thanks for stopping by and for following - Smiles! There's a few posts where I talk about weight loss (in Workout Wifey), but stay tuned because I am about to post a lot about it now. I set a goal to be in a bikini for my birthday in 2 months - the countdown is on!