Do you ever feel like you’re juggling too many balls and if you don’t make a change soon one of them is going to hit you in the head?
(insert “Um, hell yeah, Wifey” here)
While I love all of my balls, ahem, I do feel the need to streamline so that I can work smarter – not harder. With that said I’ve decided to combine residences, pack up Wifey’s House and make all of my posts at Ask Wifey – on one blog.
What does that mean for you? More Wifey. While Wifey’s House is where I let loose a little more, gasp, I’ve been finding that I’ve wanted to share the same things on both blogs (figuring out how to say the same thing differently and sending everyone somewhere else all the time gets a little old), so this seems like the perfect solution.
If you read both blogs, now you have one less stop to make; and if you’ve never been to Ask Wifey I look forward to welcoming you to that side of my world.
To my faithful followers, I appreciate all of the love and ask that you come over to Ask Wifey and hit the follow button there so you can continue to get your dose of Wifey. And, to any new folks stopping by, you’re also invited over and invited to click that lovely little follow button so you can keep up with what’s happening in Wifey’s world, too.
My new forwarding address is:
Can’t wait to see you there.
Winks & Smiles,