Friday, February 27, 2009
Tech Support for Husband 1.0
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then …
Come over to Ask Wifey to read more. Not trying to be difficult folks, just not trying to double post!
Winks & Smiles,
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
There's a Coup Going on at Wifey's House
Its not like he’s trying to overthrow me, but he damn sure isn’t trying to listen. And yes, it’s a dictatorship at Wifey’s House. I, ahem, I mean Husband and I run the place.
Now don’t get me wrong, Miles is a sweetheart. He brought home all A’s on his last report card, he cleans his room without being asked, and he looks out for his baby sister. So, what’s the problem? He doesn’t listen when I tell him to do things. I heard myself practically begging him to get dressed this morning and it made me cringe. I come from the ol’ school when-mom-says-jump-ask-how-high mentality. I’m the only one jumping at Wifey’s House right now. Oh, HELL no! Things are about to change.
One of the best things that have come from me writing my Ask Wifey column is it forces me to think logically. In times of conflict or confusion I constantly find myself taking a deep breath and asking, "what would Wifey say?" If someone sent in a question with my exact scenario it would take me two minutes to spit out the answer – no more threats, act swiftly, dish out consequences, and maintain control. I shouldn’t have to ask a 7 year-old to do something more than one time – period. Especially if he wants to play with his Nintendo DS, MP3 player or any of the other little gadgets that his father and I were kind enough to give him.
So, it’s time to practice what I preach. There’s a coup going on at Wifey’s House, but I’m flipping the script and counter revolting. If anyone has any good tactics now would be the time to share.
Winks & Smiles,
Stop! Before you go, head over to Ask Wifey. This week’s Q&A is up and I’m dishing about fighting fair with your husband and the classic toilet seat trauma. I know you’ve got two cents!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Spanish Wine Take Me Back in Time
So, after chaperoning all of those cute little kindergarteners on Friday I definitely needed to go make my weekend picks at Total Wine with Husband. In honor of the show and one of my favorite European countries, both of our picks this week come from Spain.

Me on the beach in beautiful Barcelona. Quietly I was hoping this weeks’ picks would take me back there.
Husband’s Pick:
Estrella Damm Lager Beer, The Beer of Barcelona
Wifey’s Pick:
Toro 2006 (a red Spanish wine)
Both of them taste great, both of them didn’t last very long, and both of them were under 10 bucks … so both of them get a big thumbs up.
Winks & Smiles,
Wait! I’m not done yet. There’s a post over at Ask Wifey waiting for you to read it! Aww, come on … it’s about a magazine article I recently published in Heart & Soul.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
They’re Letting Me Out of the House

… all clamoring for my attention. I’ve got my camera, my cell phone, plenty of patience, ahem, and a bottle of extra strength rapid release Tylenol.
Pray for me.
Winks & Smiles,
Wait! Before you go come see me at Ask Wifey. I’m over there dishing about “mothering” your husband and vacationing without the kids. Come weigh in!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Ask Wifey
I just gave my site,, a makeover and would love for you to stop by and check it out.
Don’t have a question … I bet you have a comment. Don’t be shy, make sure to leave one so I know you were there.
Winks & Smiles,
Monday, February 16, 2009
Where’s Wifey?
So where am I going next? The Chatterbox Show. This Wednesday, February 18, at 10 a.m. EST, I will be chatting it up with Christie from My Life…A Work in Progress on her weekly internet talk show, The Chatterbox. If you’ve never tuned in this Wednesday would be a great time to check her – and Wifey - out.
Winks & Smiles,
Friday, February 13, 2009
Idols Everywhere

No, I’m not in California on my way to becoming the next American Idol, but I did have my own American Idol Experience last night.
I’m down at Disney World in sunny Orlando on a writing assignment and was invited to attend the world premiere and after party of Disney’s Hollywood Studios new attraction, American Idol Experience.
Like everything Disney does, they did this big! The set looks just like the show and they found a host that does Ryan Seacrest better than Ryan Seacrest – and is more likeable, too.
Speaking of Mr. Seacrest, he was there to celebrate the event as well as all of the Idol winners and many of the show's previous contestants. David Cook and Carrie Underwood performed; and Disney wrapped the night up with a fabulous party in the theme park.

All of the American Idol winners (yes, I need a new camera, but the pyro/firework effects during the finale messed with the lighting).

The bluetini’s they served as you entered the soiree.

Thumbs up for the American Idol Experience; even if you’re not a fan of the show you’ll still enjoy the adventure. Now if you'll kindly excuse me, I'm off in search of a mouse...
Winks & Smiles,
Monday, February 9, 2009
Pics and Picks

Wifey getting ready to answer the tough questions. Yes, I always do television interviews in my socks.

Me and Irene, one of the fabulous producers of the show.

Later that day, Husband and I found time to go make our weekly picks. They are:
Husband’s Pick:
Leinenkugel’s Fireside Nut Brown
Wifey’s Pick:
Butte Creek Brewing Organic India Pale Ale
Husband’s pick gets a big thumbs up. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to enjoy it because he’s allergic to hazelnut and didn’t realize it had hazelnut in it until he cracked one open; but don’t worry, I did what any good wife – and beer enthusiast – would do, I drank his for him.
My pick, on the other hand, was a thumbs down. I’m working on a magazine article about organic health so I choose an organic beer. The initial taste was great, really fresh, but it had an incredibly strong aftertaste. I don’t think the aftertaste had anything to do with it being organic and look forward to trying another organic brand, another time... really soon.
Winks & Smiles,
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Wifey’s 25
I know, I know, its Hump Day at Wifey’s House and there’s no sex post. Gasp! There's just me … and 25 things about me.
I wrote this list for the “25 Random Things about You” note that has plagued Facebook and figured I’d share it at Wifey’s House, too.
So, here’s 25 random things about Wifey … please don’t hold, ahem, any of them against me:
1. Napoleon is my favorite husband. Yes, he’s my only one, but he’s still my favorite.
2. I’m a child at heart. I let my kids go down the stairs head first because I remember how much fun it was when I did it.
3. My sister is my best friend; we call each other Mi Hermana (my sister in Spanish).
4. I’m a certified personal fitness trainer … and I love beer.
5. I would eat pasta every day if it wouldn’t blow me up.
6. I live in the south and I don’t drink sweet tea.
7. I gained more than 40 pounds with my second child.
8. I lost 70 pounds after my second child.
9. I’ve run one half marathon and do The Peachtree Road Race every year.
10. The first car I bought was a ’77 white, four-door Chevy Nova with red plaid “Gucci” interior. Her name was Lillian.
11. Some “friends” I went to high school with stole Lillian and crashed her. She was renamed “The Stolen Nova” and was put to rest.
12. My second car was a Chrysler Laser – The Brown Hornet. I drove it until the door fell off – literally.
13. I Twitter. @wifeyshouse.
14. I’m taking piano lessons ‘cause it’s never too late to learn.
15. I went to the best HBCU – Hampton University.
16. I worked for the best women’s HBCU – Spelman College.
17. I had the time of my life working for the “original” LaFace Records.
18. I don’t miss the madness … just the people.
19. I love writing.
20. I’m a “24” fanatic; and I watch “The Today Show” every morning.
21. I love the NBA ... and the NFL.
22. I play women’s and mixed doubles tennis in an Atlanta tennis league.
23. My wedding was on TLC’s television show “A Wedding Story.”
24. I just took a cruise in the Mediterranean for a television show on The Travel Channel.
25. No, I’m not a reality TV star, but I did have dreams of being a sportscaster in high school.
Don’t worry, I’m not tagging anyone, but feel free to throw yourself under the bus and share a few random facts of your own; inquiring minds would love to know…
Winks & Smiles,
Monday, February 2, 2009
Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Sports?
First up, my little athletes… Miles was hoopin’ Saturday morning. He scored 8 points and was defensive player of his basketball game. Milani, my little shy cheerleader, was the loudest she’s been this year and got a pretty purple star for best leadership on her squad.
Next up a little tennis; or if you’re Rafael Nadal – a lot. Thank goodness for ESPN2 and The Tennis Channel replaying all of The Australian Open action – the time difference put the men and women’s finals on at 3:30 a.m. I enjoyed every second of it – especially watching Serena and Nadal win.
Last but definitely not least – Go Steelers! No, I’m not a die hard fan – if I had to choose, I’d go with the hometown Falcons – but I was pulling for Pittsburgh and enjoyed watching the game go down to the wire.
Through all of the excitement, Husband and I still found time to get to our spot to make our weekly picks. They are:
Husband’s Pick:

Baron’s Black Wattle Superior Wattle Seed Ale
Wifey’s Pick:
Gumdale Shiraz Cabernet 2008
Both are Australian, in honor of The Open. Husband’s pick was great, so great that we never tried mine. Gasp! I’ll shelve it for another time – no drinking during the week, I’m still working on that bikini, remember?
Winks & Smiles,